Does Free Giveaway Really Work? Reasons Why You Should Give It a Try And How To Start One

Do you ever feel that everyone has everything and there’s nothing left for you to achieve? While this may be true in some aspects, it is also important to keep striving for new things – as there is always so much more out there that we have yet to discover. Are you ready to step outside of your comfort zone, open up your heart and help others instead of only helping yourself? If the answer is yes, then this article is going to be very helpful for you! Social media has become one of the most popular ways to market your business and reach a huge audience at the same time. It can seem like an almost impossible challenge at first – but once you get used to it and make sure your account isn’t just active for the sake of it, it becomes easier every day. Social media sites such as YouTube Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn have taken this concept one step further by allowing anyone with an internet connection to access their content without having to leave their home. This can be done through giveaways, which give away free products or services in exchange for reviews or testimonials. Here’s

What is a giveaway?

Giveaways are essentially a marketing strategy used for online businesses to attract new customers by offering small incentives in exchange for reviews or testimonials. Sometimes giveaways are done for free products or services, while other times they may be given away as prizes like a trip or a food item. Giving away small incentives can help to grow your business as you create an opportunity to get more customers in the process. It’s important to keep in mind that giveaways are not just used on social media sites. The concept of giving something away in order to grow your business can also be used using articles, blogs, websites and even YouTube videos – so much as long as it’s done right!

Why do brands give away products/services?

These giveaways are a great way to gain exposure, as well as being able to connect with and reach out to a huge audience at the same time. It helps you build relationships with your target audience. It allows you to offer people access to valuable information without having it be too pushy. Giving away products is a good way for brands to establish their brand authenticity and build trust in their customers. This type of marketing will also help you create more loyal followers and customers, who will then spread the word about your company on social media…and get more leads!

How to pick the right giveaway

for your business If you are going to host a giveaway, you will have to make sure that it is worth promoting, and it relates to your niche. There are some giveaways that work better than others. If you’re offering a free product or service, the amount of time and effort put into it needs to be substantial enough for people to feel like they are getting something which actually is valuable and worth money. You should also ensure that whatever you are giving away is something that your target demographic would find valuable and want to share with their friends. This is important as social media users aren’t going to want to share something they don’t believe in or feel connected with. So, create a freebie which is valuable and targets your audience. Then do marketing to attract the right people to your giveaway.

There are also some giveaways which do not need any marketing effort at all – such as contests in which the winner gets a free vacation or shopping trip. This type of giveaway can be good for those who don’t have much time to spare on marketing but still want their name out there and visible for others to see.

How to run a successful giveaway and one thing to remember

On social media, If you are looking for a quick and easy way to engage your audience and help promote your business, then giveaways may just be the answer. But before you jump into running one of these giveaways, there are a few things you should consider. First, decide where you want to host your giveaway. You could choose to run it on Instagram, YouTube or Facebook; all of these sites have their advantages and disadvantages. If you’re still not sure which site is right for you, then speak with an expert who can guide you in the right direction.

Next, decide what products or services that you would like to give away in your giveaway. With the wide range of products available on social media nowadays, this is where it can get difficult deciding what to offer as prizes! One option is to create a survey using Google Forms and ask people what they would love to receive from your company. This will help ensure that there will be no shortage of participants interested in taking part in your giveaway!

The last thing we need to discuss before moving forward is how much time it will take for your contest – make sure that the amount of work involved doesn’t outweigh the benefits! A free giveaway goal is still to – eventually over a period of time – provide benefits. Unless you are into philanthropy!


Giveaways can be a great way to promote your brand and reach a new audience. But don’t run a giveaway without these 3 essential tips: 1. Know your audience. 2. Pick the right and a valuable giveaway. 3. Make sure it’s worth the “investment”. Then let your audience know about your giveaway, and run it responsibly!

Below, an example of marketing via free giveaways using YouTube videos (just check the channel by clicking the button)

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